The History of Printing (Part 1)

The History of Printing (Part 1)

Printed media is one of the most popular forms of media here in the world but even though it’s popular, we are sad to tell you that most people do not even know how it came to be.

With that being released out of our chest, Crystal Graphics Equipment Inc., a haven where you can look for Wholesale Printing Press Machines in Plunkett St. Hollywood, FL, would like to seek justice by presenting to you the significant times and milestones that led to the creation of what we know as printing.

So sit back, relax and prepare yourself as we take a giant leap to the history of printing.

As we move along the courses of time, just remember that once upon a time, there was no such thing as the printing we are accustomed of today and that anywhere between those lines consists of manual labor and expensive shenanigans that can only be enjoyed by the rich or those who knows their ways in the past eras.

For many years, human beings are fascinated with writing information on things whether it is useful news to be shared to the society or a secret message between lovers. This love has even been proven through our ancestor’s paintings on the cave, writings on ancient scrolls and many more.

Of course, everything back then was done by hand so when did human kind first experience mechanical printing?

Let us set our time and place to an enormous country in the east.

  • 1040 AD in ChinaIt is in this year that the historic country of China has seen a movable type of printing machine. This system was made by Bi Sheng (990-1051) out of ceramic materials.
  • 1234 AD in KoreaLater, China’s sister country, Korea, later adapted the system and soon improved it as they opted to use metal instead of ceramics. Their course of action gave us the oldest extant movable print book the world has ever witnessed. It is called the Jikji and was known to be 640 years old.

Two centuries later, the West kept up with this piece of invention.

  • 1450 AD in GermanyJohannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. The printing press is a movable type system and it was created in the year 1450. Gutenberg, a goldsmith, created this piece of wonder without the help of anyone and little did he know that his invention would leave the world in awe.

Aside from creating the printing press, the crafter was also the first person to conceptualize and create the pieces out of alloy, antimony, lead and tin. These components are the same ones we are using today.

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